ACSIA Help Center

How To Install The Agent

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This article shows how to install the ACSIA Agent on Windows and Linux machines.


Before installing the agent on your machine, make sure your machines match the needed requirements.

How to install the agent on your Windows machine

Step 1:

Download the installer from the link provided by the Support Team and launch it as an administrator.

Step 2:

Follow the wizard, leaving the folder as the proposed default one.

Step 3:


  • The backend IP you received from the Support Team.
  • The API KEY you received from the Support Team.

How to install the agent on your Linux machine


Debian installation

Step 1: get root permissions and export API key and registration address

Get root permissions: 

$ sudo -i


Export the API KEY and the registration address you received from the Support Team:

$ export FSEC_APIKEY="xxxxx"


Step 2: install the gpg-key

$ curl -s -o /usr/share/keyrings/xdrplus.gpg && chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/xdrplus.gpg

Step 3: add the repository

$ echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/xdrplus.gpg] stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xdrplus.list


Step 4: install the agent

$ apt-get update && apt-get install xdrplus-agent=x.x.x -y

where x.x.x refers to the latest version of the agent. For example, if this is 6.5.0, the code above becomes:

$ apt-get update && apt-get install xdrplus-agent=6.5.0 -y
Please, verify you know what's the latest agent version. If you have any doubt about that please: contact our Support Team

Step 5: disable the repository

$ sed -i "s/^deb/#deb/" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xdrplus.list



Yum installation

Step 1: get root permissions and export API key and registration address

Get root permissions: 

$ sudo -i


Export the API KEY and the registration address you received from the Support Team:

$ export FSEC_APIKEY="xxxxx"



Step 2: add the repository

$ cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/xdr.repo << EOF


Step 3: install the agent:

$ yum install xdrplus-agent-vx.x.x -y

where x.x.x refers to the latest version of the agent. For example, if this is 6.5.0, the code above becomes:

$ yum install xdrplus-agent-v6.5.0 -y
Please, verify you know what's the latest agent version. If you have any doubt about that please: contact our Support Team